
January 2023

Kravets Lab's journey began at the Department of Bioengineering (jointly with Department of Pediatrics). We are located at the PFBH 461. Motivated students and postdoctoral fellows are welcome to contact us for available positions!

May 2023

David Ramirez, Ph.D visited the Kravets Lab.

He has accepted the offer to join the lab and is coming back in July as a Postdoctoral Fellow. 

Dr. Ramirez will investigate the role of beta cell networks and functional heterogeneity in type 1 diabetes and in healthy pancreatic tissue.

Wellcome, David! We are so glad you are now a part of the team!

July 2023

Dr. Kravets received a Pilot and Feasibility Award from the UCSD/UCLA Diabetes Research Center to study role of glucose and fatty acids on heterogeneous metabolism patterns in pancreatic islets of Langerhans. We will apply multi-photon microscopy to image function and metabolic signatures at the cellular level in healthy and diabetic conditions to see whether some cell subpopulations are more vulnerable to metabolic stress.

August 2023

Our 1st Lab Meeting

Our 1st Lab Photo

Dr. Marko Gosak visits us

November 2023

Dr. David Ramirez receives an Integrated Islet Distribution Program (IIDP)'s Data Resource Trainee Scholar Award. He will be studying how alpha and beta cell function and coverage in pancreatic islets relates to loss of the first phase insulin secretion in human donors with different stages of diabetes. Congratulations, David!

Fallen Star tour 2023

Adjusting to new reality

The notion of home and displacement

April 2024

Nirmala Balasenthilkumaran, Ph.D student presented our new work on insulitis. He shows that alpha-cell-rich regions in the pancreatic islets of diabetic mice are preferentially targeted by immune cells. A wonderful collaboration with the Friedman Group, CU Denver. 

This work was presented at the Annual Pediatrics Research Symposium, School of Medicine, UCSD. Congratulations on a first poster and exciting discovery!